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Dobbscoin v2.0 RC1 QUARK POW/POS+[MN] - m3gaviral


Based on Zerocoin / PIVX a QUARK algo: Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake

This is DISPOSABLE, but please feel free to learn how it works and help move blocks in the mean time. If it succeeds, we'll rebrand it as DobbsCoin, change its ACRONYM and BUY Back BOB.

<endciv> EndCiv's next GEN BOB candidate demo: m3gaViral
<endciv> Based on Zerocoin / PIVX a QUARK algo: Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake
<Prints> Shocked
<endciv> its just a  RoboCreated Shitcoin upgrade concept
<endciv> but it works and is mining POW blocks NOW

Download: NO SOURCE YET - ROBOT Created Shitcoin / Example

--- Quote from: INSTRUCTION ---Open your wallet.
Your wallet is connected when you see the icon Wallet connections Quark in the lower right corner of your wallet. The message “No block source available” will disappear once you mine your first block.

Close your wallet and create the file m3gaviral.conf in the folder “%APPDATA%\m3gaviral\”.
Paste the following text into m3gaviral.conf and save the file.

Open your wallet.
Go to Tools.
Click Debug console.
This is the console where you will execute all commands.

Type this command to start mining your first block:
setgenerate true -1

If you want to use a specific number of CPU cores, instead of -1, type the number of cores.
You can type the following command to see the status of generation.


It will take about +/- 10 minutes to mine your first block, depending on your computer hardware.
--- End quote ---

It's SUPPOSEDLY. Just like PIVX. 
Have ya ever used PIVX?

Ya can STAKE coins and earn interest.
Convert coins into zCoins - so they're Anonymous..
MultiSig ..whatever that means.

All kindsa shit to learn 'eh. FUN.

Coin name: m3gaviral
Coin abbreviation: ENDCIV
RPC port: 6711
P2P port: 6712
Block reward: 50 coins
Block reward (PoS): 50 coins
Coin supply: Unlimited coins

Last PoW block   block 10000
Masternode reward   25%
Masternode amount   1000 coins
Masternode confirmations   15
Coinbase maturity   20 blocks
Target spacing   2 minutes
Target timespan   10 minutes
Transaction confirmations   6 blocks

Seed Node:
NO SOURCE CODE YET..  NO GUI Modifications.

2min Blocks of 50 for the first 10,000 Blocks
30 Blocks an hour x 24hrs in a day = 720 Blocks /day x 50 reward = 36,000 coins/day.
10k Blocks x 2min is 20k minutes.. 1440 minutes in a day /60 for the hour.. is 333 hours
333hrs / 24hrs a day is 13 days... 13 days x 36,000 coins a day.. 468,000 coins in POW
Then 50 coins in something called a POStake block 'er someshit.

I have noooo idea. 
I mean, it seems to do all the shit we wanted..

* Settlement instrument
* Interest potential
* Anonymous if ya want it to be
* Multi-Sig potential.. allowing for multiple persons to be required to sign off on a transaction,  if ya want.


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