Forum > Back to the drawing board

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Something need to be addressed?  Got a new idea.. want Dobbscoin to be some-thing specific..
POST it HERE and we'll make a category, or a forum.. or a thread 'er whatever.

I think we started at:
* TOTAL Coins: 21,000,000
* 50 BOBz per Block
* 10min. Blocks
We're currently at:
* TOTAL Coins: 21,000,000
* Created: 5,620,343.43325626
* Block 355,130
* 5 BOBz per Block
* 2min. Blocks

Why is PoS bad again?
    Why is Proof of WORK good?, Afterall "Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world"

Only seems logical that eventually.. everything fails.
It's just spendable Slack.  Trade it around.. sit on it.. get more from holding it..

Maybe it would be cool that, after a while.. it would expire and return to the Space Bankers for re-alocation on the market.. letting Slackers keep the interest, until it expired too.. 

Remember on STAR TREK.. how they didnt have money. Everyone always said how cool it was that no one needed money.. but those pobuckers lived in space and had replicators making their food.. if they didnt pull their weight everyoen died.. but everyone always said. 'Wow.. imagine if no one needed money'.. as if

I'm just spit balling here.. but it's worthless anyhow, so what if we could get it.. and it earned interest, but expired.. we could gift it or trade it or spend it.. because ya can't take it with ya.

--- Quote from: x_slacks on May 27, 2018, 01:41:59 PM ---Mind you, I only build coins starting with latest Bitcoin, and no PoS...  No gimmicks...

--- End quote ---

I like gimmicks,  but i don't know much.
Just wonder alot.  Oh shit.. it's late now. fuk


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